Our Values

Hard work, rigour, and determination pays off for our clients.

We’re not paid to make mistakes.

We mean what we say. We deliver on what we say.

Our work is sensitive and confidentiality is paramount.

We value our clients who entrust us with their affairs. We value our staff who are our greatest asset and strength. We value our external specialists who deliver to us their expertise.

Without integrity nothing else matters.
Guiding Principles

Our purpose is to provide peace of mind and deliver positive outcomes for people, business and government agencies adversely affected by or accused of fraud, misconduct, or financial crime.

We act with integrity by steadfast adherence to ethical principles and courtesy in all our dealings.

We deliver unparalleled expertise, value, exceptional service, diligently and in a timely manner.

We preserve confidentiality and privilege.

We are empathetic and take the time to listen, so we fully understand the objectives, concerns and anxieties of the people we serve.

We collaborate with those we serve on what we will do, why we will do it, and the cost of doing so.

We deliver on what we promise.

Get in touch
Office +613 8676 7929
Level 5
400 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria